
The range of Wi-Fi networks using microwave connections is being extended over greater distances using a new technology known as _______.

A. WiMax
B. broadcast
D. Bluetooth


_______ transmits data as pulses of light through tiny tubes of glass.

A. Cellular
B. Fiber optic cable
C. Microwave
D. WiMax

A(n) _______ is a network where the nodes are in close physical proximity to each other.

A. wide area network
B. satellite system
C. local area network
D. cable system

A network _______ is a device that allows one LAN to be linked to other LANs or to larger networks.

A. server
B. client
C. switch
D. gateway

A LAN set up for a household's personal use is called a(n) _______ network.

A. home
B. client
C. gateway
D. servant
