
给定如下java 代码,在下划线处填入(),代表HelloWorld 类具有main方法,可以独立运行。public class Helloworld {_{ System.out.println(“ hello world” ) ; } }

A. public static void main(String args )
B. static void main(String args[ ] )
C. public static void main(String[ ] strs )
D. public static main(String args[ ] )


Letters are usually delivered by a postman whereas E-mails are sent through()

A. a modem
B. the software
C. the internet
D. a search engine

The sales of a particular company in a market, expressed as a percentage of the total sales is called()

A. market value
B. market share
C. market price
D. market cap

Which one is NOT the reason that some people think it convenient to shop online()

A. They can stay home to buy things
B. They can buy things at any time they like
C. They think they can get lower prices on the Internet
D. They can find free things they want

It is important that we__ the task ahead of time()

A. will fish
B. finished
C. finish
D. should finish
