
The effects of currency appreciation include()

A. increasing the international purchasing power of its residents
B. When the balance of payments has a surplus, it is conducive to achieving the balance of payments
C. increasing imports
D. it promotes exports and is good for economic growth
E. capital outflow


The theory of purchasing power parity is divided into()

A. relative purchasing power parity
B. absolute purchasing power parity
C. mint parity
D. gold parity
E. the law of one price

Commercial banks usually quote four prices when they buy or sell foreign exchange: the central parity rate, the spot purchase rate, the cash purchase rate and the selling rate. Under the direct quotat

A. selling rate and the cash purchase rate
B. central parity and spot purchase rate
C. spot purchase rate and cash purchase rate
D. spot purchase rate and selling rates

Compared with the purchase price of foreign currency cash, the price of foreign exchange banks to buy cash was()

A. more expensive
B. cheaper
C. the same
D. equal to the central exchange rate

The international monetary system which belongs to the fixed exchange rate system includes()

A. Bretton Woods system
B. international gold standard system
C. the Jamaica system
D. post-Bretton Woods system
E. credit monetary system
