
Precautions for myopia include()

A. Create a profile of refractive development
B. Increase outdoor activities
C. Prohibit the use of electronic devices
D. Scientific indoor lighting
E. Proper close work


Where is the external parallel light focused after passing through the myopic eye()

A. Before the retina
B. Right on the retina
C. After the retina
D. None of the above

Which of the following is/are (a) fundus lesion of pathological myopia()

A. Retinal hemorrhage
B. Retianl detachment
C. Open-angle glaucoma
D. Retinal hole
E. Lacquer crack

Factors affecting myopia include()

A. Heredity
B. Environment
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above

Organizational forms of financial transactions mainly include()

A. Stock exchange transaction
B. OTC transaction
C. Intangible transaction by electronic communication
D. Hand changing transaction
E. Auction transaction
