
The routes of transmission of hepatitis C include()

A. Blood‍
B. Intravenous drug use
C. Sexual transmission and mother-to-child transmission‍
D. Above all


At present, the diagnosis method of HCV infection is mainly()

Anti-hcv antibody in serum was detected
Blood was taken for viral cell culture
C. HCV RNA was detected in the blood
D. The HCV granules in blood were observed by electron microscope

The main route of transmission of HCV is()

A. Blood and blood products
B. Sexual contact
C. The digestive tract
Daily life contact

The following incorrect information about the treatment of chronic hepatitis B is()

Antiviral therapy is the key to chronic hepatitis B treatment
B. The treatment of chronic hepatitis B is a protracted battle
C. New nucleoside drugs can start with highly resistant drugs and gradually increase the resistance barrier
D. At present, chronic hepatitis B is difficult to cure completely, requiring patients to adhere to regular treatment

Which of the following is not true about HIV testing()

A. HIV antibody test is the most commonly used screening method at present
B. HIV nucleic acid test can be used not only for early diagnosis, but also for evaluation of antiviral therapy
CD4 count can judge the effect of clinical treatment
D. Negative HIV antibody can exclude HIV infection
