백화점이 집에서 가까워서 물건 사기가 가까워요.
그 물건은 값이 싼 대신에 질이 좋아요.
A. 对
B. 错
이 알바는 경험도 쌓고 돈도 벌 수 있어서 이석일조예요.
A. 对
B. 错
By including another variable in the regression, you will
A. decrease the regression R2 if that variable is important.
B. eliminate the possibility of omitted variable bias from excluding that variable.
C. look at the t-statistic of the coefficient of that variable and include the variable only if the coefficient is statistically significant at the 1% level.
D. decrease the variance of the estimator of the coefficients of interest.
Errors-in-variables bias
A. is present when the probability limit of the OLS estimator is given by
B. arises when an independent variable is measured imprecisely.
C. arises when the dependent variable is measured imprecisely.
D. always occurs in economics since economic data is never precisely measured.