7. 下列各项中,属于长期投资决策静态评价指标的是( )。
A. 内含报酬率
B. 投资回收期
C. 获利指数
D. 投资利润率
A. 没有考虑资金时间价值
B. 不能反映建设期的长短
C. 不能反映净现金流量的影响
D. 简单明了
A. 年平均利润额/投资总额x100%
B. 净现金流量/投资总额x100%
C. 年平均利润额/净现金流量x100%
D. 年平均利润额x投资总额x100%
A. 对
B. 错
Fill in the blanks with the following words .obligedabsorbedfreshcapture1) Some artists are able to catch a likeness in a sketch while others are gifted to _________ a fleeting expression.2)Thank you very much, professor. I am extremely ________ to you.3)School principals should not expect teachers, ________ from college, to deal with a large group of difficult children.4)Time passes quickly when you are ___________ in reading a good book.