(第84题)促进机体“保钙排磷”的主要激素是( )
A. 皮质酮
B. 胰岛素
C. 醛固酮
D. 甲状腺素
E. 甲状旁腺素
There are certain 1)_____________ in almost every culture in the world. Even societies that are very rational and 2)_______ are sometimes a little bit superstitious. For example, the United States is a country that is very advanced in science and technology. But American people sometimes believe in superstitions. Americans consider 13" an unlucky number. Some people in the United States also believe that if Friday falls on the 13th day of the month, they will have bad luck.Some Americans believe they will have bad fuck if they walk 3)________. Even if people say they are not superstitious, they will often avoid walking under a ladder. Often people consider it unlucky to 4)___________. If a person breaks a mirror, he or she will have seven years of bad luck. Americans also think they will have bad luck if a black cat crosses their path. A long time ago, people believed that black cats were actually witches.However, some things are thought to bring good luck. For instance, some Americans believe if they dream about a white cat, or step on their own 5)__________, or put a mirror just across the door, will have good luck. Or if they catch a 6)__________ on the first day of autumn, they will have good luck all winter. Others think if they 7)______________ all the candles on their birthday cake in one blow, they will get whatever they want. And some people think they will have good luck if they find a penny on the ground and pick it up.Q1: What is the passage mainly about?C Superstitions in the United States.Q2: According to the passage, what is considered as bad luck?A Walking under a ladder.Q3: Why is it considered bad luck to see a black cat crossing one’s path?B Because black cats were thought to be witches.Q4: According to the passage, what will bring people good luck?C Finding a penny on the ground and picking it up.
A. 疗疾
B. 火山爆发
C. 流行性乙型脑炎
D. 食物中毒
E. 飞机失事
A. 突发性
B. 准备和预防的困难性
C. 多样性
D. 结局复杂性
E. 具有绝对性
A. 利用流行病学的疾病监测技术,建立突发事件监测网,对突发事件实施连续监测,有助于获得我国各类突发事件的基线资料,以了解突发事件的流行状况和把握突发事件的流行形势 B.运用流行病学的调查分析方法及分析的思维逻辑,对突发事件进行调查研究,有助于从宏观的角度来掌握突发事件在我国的流行特征,分析突、发事件的时间分布、地点分布和影响因素
B. 运用流行病学的调查分析方法及分析的思维逻辑,对突发事件进行调查研究,有助于从宏观的角度来掌握突发事件在我国的流行特征,分析突、发事件的时间分布、地点分布和影响因素
C. 运用流行病学的调查分析方法及分析的思维逻辑,有助于尽快查明突发事件的发生原因、发展规律,评估突发事件造成的危害及带来的需求
D. 以流行病学的策略和措施指导突发事件的预防和应急准备,有助于各地区根据自身特点和实际情况,选择合适的预防策略、应对预案和援救措施,从而提高我国突发事件的预防和处理能力
E. 采用流行病学方法,不但能动态观察各个地区突发公共卫生事件的发生频率和处理情况,还能够评价各个地区突发公共卫生事件的防制水平,进而调整全国突发公共卫生事件的工作重点、