Translate the following sentences into English by using the given words or phrases.全球许多地标性建筑响应“地球一小时”的号召,在每年3月最后一个星期六熄灯一小时。(respond to)
Translate the following sentences into English by using the given words or phrases.数以百万计的人参加了“地球一小时”,以行动承诺他们对地球的支持。(take part in)
Translate the following sentences into English by using the given words or phrases.我们发起了一场创建绿色家园的活动。(launch a campaign)
Translate the following sentence into English by using the given words or phrases.我们应当勇敢地承担起对地球的责任。(responsibility)
Translate the following sentence into English by using the given words or phrases.地球日让人们更关注环境问题。(draw attention to)