
听力原文:(M = John Fox, F = Sue Green)
F: Hello, I'm Sue Green. You must be John Fox.
M: Yes, I am.
F: Thanks for coming to the job interview. Let me ask you a few questions.
M: Yes, please.
F: Have you got any working experience?
M: Yes, I had a job in a paper factory for a few months after I left school. Then I worked in the summer holidays at the university, first in a fastfood restaurant, then in a bookshop8.
F: OK. Do you drive? Have you got a driving license?
M: Yes, I have.
F: That's fine, then. So what kind of interests do you have?
M: Interests? Well, I like travelling. I play a lot of sports and I play the piano9.
F: What sort of sports do you like?
M: Football, tennis and swimming.
F: Right. And what sort of music do you play?
M: Oh, a lot of different types, classical, Jazz.
F: OK, the most important question now, what experience have you had with children10 ?
M: Well, I've looked after my brother and sister as babies and as young children.
F: Mm humm.
M: And I also worked with children in a youth club.
F: A youth club?10
M: Yes. I've been working as a helper in a youth club since I studied at the university as a sort of volunteer with teenagers.
F: Good. OK, we'll let you know our decisions in a few days.
M: Thank you.
John has worked in all of the following places EXCEPT______.

A. a book shop
B. a paper factory
C. a school
D. a fastfood restaurant


PC1接入Internet的拓扑如下图所示,其中Server1为Web服务器,则PC1的Internet协议属性参数的配置中,IP地址可能为 (69) ,默认网关为 (70) 。



A. packet
B. time
C. error
D. phase


A. ports
B. streams
C. packets
D. cells


A. procedure
B. function
C. route
D. flow
