2. Each of you _________ responsible for the accident.
3. Either you or your teacher _________ mistaken.
A. is
B. has
C. are
D. were
4. The League secretary and monitor _______ asked to make a speech at the meeting.
A. is
B. was
C. are
D. were
5. Each man and woman _________ the same rights.
A. has
B. have
C. had
D. is having
建设中国特色社会主义文化,必须建设具有强大凝聚力、引领力的社会主义意识形态,使全体人民在( )上紧紧团结在一起,巩固马克思主义在意识形态领域的指导地位,牢牢掌握意识形态工作领导权。
A. 理想信念
B. 价值理念
C. 道德观念
D. 生活方式