A. 锅炉是指将燃料的化学能转化为热能,又将热能传递给水、汽、导热油等工质,从而产生蒸汽、热气或通过导热工质输出热量的设备
B. 锅炉由“锅”和“炉”以及相配套的附件、自控装置、附属设备组成
C. “锅”是指锅炉接收热量,并将热量传给水、汽、导热油等工质的受热面系统,是锅炉中储存或输送锅水或蒸汽的密闭受压部分
D. “锅”主要包括锅筒、水冷壁、过热器、再热器、燃烧设备、省煤器、对流管束及集箱等
A. 单项式连续变量数列
B. 单项式离散型变量数列
C. 组距式连续型变量数列
D. 组距式离散型变量数列
A. 100%
B. 150%
C. 200%
D. 300%
听力原文:M: I need to buy a couple of suits now that I just got promoted. Would you mind going shopping with me to help me pick out something stylish?
W: Of course I can go with you. You definitely need someone to give you fashion tips. I remember that horrible plaid tie you bought just a couple of weeks ago.
M: That's why I'm asking you for some assistance. I thought that tie looked great, but apparently no one else shared my feelings.
W: Don't worry. I'll help you pick out some good clothes this time.
Why does the man need some new suits?
A. He will wear them to an upcoming conference.
B. He just got a new job.
C. He was given a promotion.
D. He's got a job interview.