如题14图所示,A是半径为1的圆O外的一点,OA=2,AB是圆O的切线,B是切点,弦BC∥OA,连接AC.则阴影部分的面积等于 ().
Your wish to visit some far-off places can be realized by just reading books.
A. Right
B. Wrong
What/Who should students contact if they want to get a summer job?
A. The Student Union.
B. The Student Employment Office.
C. The Workers' Union.
D. The Student Part-time Job Office.
According to this passage, which of the following is NOT true?
Americans alone eat a great quantity of sandwiches annually.
B. Westerners like sandwiches very much.
C. Sandwiches are easy to clean-up.
D. Sandwiches are not nutritious.