每逢五一十一,工作的人们都会晒自己收到了多少请帖,沉重的礼金成了不少人的负担。其 实,这种礼金是人与人交往的纳什均衡,也是囚徒困境
You have created a resource plan, PROD_DB_PLAN, with the following consumer groups with the respective plan directives: Consumer group SALESwith CPU_P1as 60 and DEGREE_OF_PARALLELISMas 4. Consumer group MARKETwith CPU_P1as 20. Consumer group DEVwith CPU_P1as 20. Consumer groupOTHERSwith CPU_P1as 0 and CPU_P2as 100. Which two statements are correct in this scenario?()
A. The maximum degree of parallelism for the members of the consumer groups is 4.
B. The CPU allocation will always be equal for the consumer groups MARKET and DE
C. The OTHERS consumer group would get 100% of the CPU if there are unused level 1 CPU resources.
D. The SALES and MARKET consumer groups would get 100% of the CPU if there are unused level 2 CPU resources.
E. The maximum degree of parallelism for the members of the consumer group SALES is 4 with no restriction for the remaining groups.