

A. 饮菊花酒
B. 悬艾叶
C. 登高
D. 吃重阳糕
E. 插茱萸



A. 三黄洗剂
B. 密陀僧散
C. 金黄膏
D. 红花药酒
E. 甘草油

Your company runs Remote Desktop Services. You have a Remote Desktop Web Access (RD Web Access) server. You publish several applications on the internal network by using RD Web Access. You need to ensure that the published applications are accessible from the Internet via an HTTPS connection over port 443. What should you do first?()

A. Use Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager to disable Forms Authentication.
B. Use Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager to enable Windows Authentication.
C. Install and configure the Remote Desktop Gateway (RD Gateway) role service on the RD Web Access server.
D. Install and configure the Remote Desktop Connection Broker (RD Connection Broker) role service on the RD Web Access server.


A. 规律性上腹痛5年,进食后缓解
B. 常有夜间疼痛
C. 上腹部压痛,无反跳痛
D. 慢性病容
E. Hb90g/L,RBC3.3×1012/L,Hct0.31
F. WBC6.4×109/L,N65%,L35%

有关值班驾驶员对驾驶台设备的定期检查,下列说法正确的是:() Ⅰ、主罗经与复示仪应同步,如发现误差变化较大,应及时报告船长 Ⅱ、如果条件允许,在有较大改变航向后也应测定罗经的误差 Ⅲ、无论条件如何,每班至少试验一次自动舵的自动操作

A. Ⅰ、Ⅱ
B. Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ
C. Ⅰ、Ⅲ
D. Ⅱ、Ⅲ
