
阅读理解:请根据短文内容,为每题确定l个最佳选项。 The National Trust。 The National Trust in Britain plays an increasingly important part in the preservation for public enjoyment of the best that is left unspoiled of the British countryside. Although the Trust has received practical and moral support from the Government, it is not a rich government department. It is a voluntary association of people who care for the unspoiled countryside and historic buildings of Britain. It is a charity which depends for its existence on voluntary support from members of the public. Its primary duty is to protect places of great natural beauty and places of historical interest. The attention of the public was the first drawn to the dangers threatening the great old houses and the castles of Britain by the death of the Lord Lothian, who left his great seventeenth-century house to the Trust together with the 4500-acre park and estate surrounding it. This gift attracted wide publicity and started the Trust’s “Country House Scheme” Under this scheme, with the help of the Government and the general public, the Trust has been able to save and make accessible to the public about 150 of these oil houses. Lats year, about 1.75 million people paid to visit these historic houses, usually at a very small charge. In addition to country houses and open spaces, the Trust now owns some examples of ancient wind and water mills, nature reserves, 540 farms and nearly 2500 cottages or small village houses, as well as some complete villages. In these villages no one is allowed to build, develop or disturb the old village environment in any way and all the houses are maintained in their original 16th century style. Over 4,000 acres of coastline , woodland, and hill country are protected by the Trust and no development or disturbances of any kind are permitted. The public has free access to these areas and is only asked to respect the peace, beauty and wildlife. Over the past 80 years the Trust has become a big and important organization and an essential and respected part of national life. It helps to preserve all that and of historical significance not only for future generations of Britons but also for the millions of tourists who each year invade Britain in search of a great historic and cultural heritage.We can infer from Paragraph 2 that Lord Lothian_______.

A. Donated all his money to the Trust.
B. Started the “Country House Scheme”.
C. Saved many old country bouses in Britain.
D. Was influential in his time


时间:某日上午 地点:公司经理办公室 人物:四达公司经理秘书初萌,女;维达公司张经理,男 物品:电脑、各类文件夹、电话机、办公文具、文件柜、沙发、纸笔、手机、暖瓶、茶杯 情景一 初萌身着圆领无袖衫,下身穿牛仔裤,脚上穿着旅游鞋,走进办公室。 办公室桌椅整齐,时钟特写:7:50。初萌打开窗户,调整好百叶窗的光线。然后坐在办公桌前开电脑。(动作特写:先开主机,后开显示器。)桌面上很零乱地堆放着文件。初萌一一归入办公桌上的文件夹中。文件夹特写,有“急件”、“要件”、“密件”等字样。 这时,电话铃响了(电话的位置位于初萌的左手边)。初萌迅速拿起听筒。初萌:“你好!四达公司。” 初萌:“哦,王经理,您有什么指示?”边说边从电话旁拿起纸笔。 初萌:“好的,我记一下。”边说边记,“后天上午九点,在公司第二会议室,开关于新产品研发的会。好的。我会通知各部门负责人到场的。”(画面淡出) 情景二 初萌正坐在电脑前打一份文件。闪过标题:新产品开发计划书。她的手机放在显示器旁。这时,有人敲门。 初萌:“请进。”客人推门而进,同时初萌起身迎接。初萌:“您好,我是秘书初萌。”初萌边说边伸出手。双方握手。客人:“您好,我是维达公司的。”迷说边递过名片。初萌双手接过名片,边看边念:“噢!维达公司的张经理。您快请坐。”说完,拿起暖瓶给客人沏茶。特写:茶水较满。 客人:“谢谢!”边喝茶边看着电脑屏幕。(屏幕正对着客人) 初萌:“不客气!请您慢用!”说完,坐回到办公桌前。客人:“这次来是想和王经理商讨一些事情的。”初萌:“您没有预约吧?”边说边从文件夹中抽出“秘书工作日志”翻看。 客人:“是的,我顺路经过这里。”初萌:“您看真不巧,我们王经理到工地去了。您看后天上午行吗,十点钟,王经理会在办公室。”客人:“好的,我后天再来。再见!”客人起身。 初萌:“再见!”在秘书工作日志上写下:10:00,会见维达公司张经理。接着又抽出上司工作日志写下什么。客人自己拉开门走了。

楼兰古城大约在公元4世纪期间废弃。今天所见到的古城遗址,是一片残破而凄凉的景象。在方圆数百平公里,几乎没有什么植物,到处都是一片光秃秃的死寂景观。这么大的范围内,地面没有一点平坦的地方,到处都被风吹蚀而凹凸不平。被风吹蚀的部分形成长条形凹沟,未被风吹蚀残留下来的土质则形成长条形垄岗,诸多的凹沟和垄岗相间排列,好像凝固的大海波涛,上下起伏。这种地形被称为“雅尔丹”地形。根据残存的痕迹,经测量,古城大致为每边300米长的不规则的四边形城。城内有佛塔的残疾和屋宇的断强残壁。 楼兰古城的废弃,可能有多种原因。就自然原因而言,楼兰地处内陆荒漠地区,降雨极少,气候极为干旱,自然条件极为残酷,生态环境极为脆弱。塔里木河水的滋润灌溉,是古楼兰绿洲和古楼兰城生存的必不可少的条件。但塔里木河流量极不稳定,它既有洪水年份,也有枯水年份,造成这里的水资源极不稳定。因此,这里经济与社会发展潜伏着诸多不利因素。随着经济与社会的发展,上中游地区对水资源需求不断增加,水资源的空间分配发生变化。公元4世纪期间,全球气候出现变冷的波动,导致塔里木河来水的波动和河道的变化。这些因素给古楼兰带来生态灾难。由于当时社会生产力低下,缺少抵御自然界不利变化的能力,缺少强有力措施保证水资源的稳定来源,在楼兰古城出土的汉代木简中,已有记载表明出现灌溉用水的不足。在这种情况下,需要塔里木河水滋润的天然植被,受到水资源匮乏的影响逐渐死去,而楼兰绿洲和楼兰古城缺少天然植被的保护,土地逐渐沙漠化,最后人们不得已舍此而去。 近年来,由于塔里木河来水逐渐减少,下游大片天然胡杨林植被在枯死,土地在沙漠化,严重威胁了从库尔勒到青海的公路以及一些农场的生存。楼兰古城的废弃告诉我们,虽然其所在区位很优越,但在生态环境极为残酷的自然条件下,对水资源缺乏强有力的管理,对生态环境缺少有力的保护,经济和社会将不会有持续的发展,人类创造的物质文明,有可能毁于一旦。因此,在西北地区今后的发展中,加强对水资源的管理,合理进行水资源的空间分配,保护生态环境,是经济和社会可持续发展的基本保障。 第二段中的“诸多不利因素”主要指;()

A. 社会生产力低下,缺少抵御自然界不利变化的能力
B. 自然条件极为严酷、生态环境极为脆弱、水资源极不稳定
C. 全球气候出现变冷的波动导致塔里木河来水波动,河道改变
D. 上中游地区对水资源需求不断增加,水资源的空间分配发生变化

颁布XBRL技术规范系列国家标准和企业会计准则通用分类标准的时间是( )。

A. 2008年11月
B. 2009年4月
C. 2010年10月
D. 2010年11月

按照城乡住户调查一体化方案,下列各项中不属于转移性收入范围的有( )。

A. 政策性生活补贴
B. 良种补贴
C. 住户之间的实物馈赠
D. 退耕还林还草补贴
E. 保险赔偿
