A. 开展应用性学习
B. 拓展前瞻性学习
C. 广泛学习各方面知识
D. 刻苦钻研业务知识
AIX 5L and SUN Solaris have differing approaches at handling processor failures. Which statement best describes how AIX handles processor failures?()
A. If AIX discovers a processor with too many recoverable errors during runtime, it will dynamically turn off that processor, while the rest of the system keeps running.
B. If AIX detects a failing processor it will automatically move all resources to another processor. The failed processor can be hot-swapped and the new replacement becomes the active processor.
C. If AIX determines a processor is failing, it will perform diagnostics to determine which processor function can be disabled and dynamically reallocate all CPU and memory resources thus isolating the failure condition and preventing a reboot.
D. If AIX senses a processor level error condition, internal diagnostics are activated to determine the severity of the problem. After the failure threshold is met, a message is broadcast to the service processor informing the operator to perform a system reboot.
A. 10mm2
B. 15mm2
C. 16mm2
D. 20mm2