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Evolution has been challenged by those believing in the creation theory of the universe, The apparent conflict between religious and scientific explanations of creation and evolution has left a century-old legacy of suspicion and outright acrimony. In the United States, many are not willing to accept the theory of evolution and some even argue against the teaching of evolution to school children. For example, the Kansas State Board of Education voted to eliminate evolution from its state science standards, and would also eliminate it from the state science tests. The result was to discourage Kansas schools from teaching evolution. People for the American Way Foundation commissioned a study of how the public felt about teaching evolution and creationism in public schools. Its results, published in the March 11,20010, Ann Arbor News, led with "An overwhelming majority of Americans think that creationism should be taught along with Darwin's theory of evolution in public schools..." 72. The battles between science and Christianity have run through Western history since the Enlightenment when science replaced religion as a dominant force in Western society. The theory of evolution was widely believed during the fluorescent years of science development. Why are evolutionists severely challenged by creationism currently? One reason may be that some people believe science has come to its end and it can never explain the final secrets of the universe, thus resorting to creationism and taking it as the only way to understand the origin of the universe.
73. While few experts suggest an actual convergence of the two views is possible, creative dialogue is on the upswing. New organizations are forming and others are expanding whose aim is rapprochement between science and religion. More than 100 organizations worldwide, many of them in the U. S., now provide forums for creative exchange of religious and scientific perspectives.
This article approaches the issue of science and Christianity by claiming that science and Christianity are compatible to each other, not conflicting with each other.


(1) 爆破作业,必须统一指挥,统一信号,划定安全警戒区,并明确安生警戒人员。在引爆时,无关人员一律退到安全地点隐蔽。爆破后,首先须经安全员进行检查,确认安全后,其他人员方能进入现场。
(2) 电站厂房上部排架施工时高处作业人员使用升降机垂直上下。
(3) 为确保施工安全,现场规范使用“三宝”,加强对“四口”的防护。
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