You should use ___________ and supporting details to make the relationship between your subjects clearer to your reader in the body part.
The comparison/contrast essay may follow the same structure as any other essay: introduction, body and conclusion.
A. 对
B. 错
You should reaffirm your thesis to give a final impression on the readerin the conclusion part.
A. 对
B. 错
A. 要求自变量X必须是定量数据
B. 要求应变量Y是定量数据
C. 自变量X不能是无序分类数据
D. 自变量X必须方差齐性
A. 检验两变理是否有相关关系
B. 检验曲线拟合的好坏
C. 检验回归系数b是事为0
D. 帮助判断是否有异常值
E. 检验总体回归系数是否为0