遵义会议在红军第五次反“围剿”失败和长征初期严重受挫的历史关头召开,事实上确立了( )在党中央和红军的领导地位。
九一八事变后,中国共产党在东北三省积极组织并领导抗日武装斗争。从1933年9月起,中共满洲省委把党领导的各抗日游击队相继改编为东北人民革命军。1936年2月,东北人民革命军和党领导或影响的各抗日游击队相继改编为( )。
A. 东北抗日联军
B. 东北义勇军
C. 东北红军
Identify the rhetorical devices of the underlined part in the following sentences:1. Darrow had whispered, throwing a reassuring arm round my shoulder as we were waiting for the court to open.
A. transferred epithet
B. alliteration
C. irony
D. personification
Identify the rhetorical devices of the underlined part in the following sentence:2. By the time the trial began on July 10, our town of 1500 people had taken on a circus atmosphere.
A. alliteration
B. metaphor
C. metonymy
D. antithesis
Identify the rhetorical devices of the underlined part in the following sentence:4. The Christian believes that man came from above. The evolutionist believes that he must have come from below.
A. personification
B. transferred epithet
C. alliteration
D. antithesis