Wiley的Anywhere检索“teacher belie”排除“self learning”,能挽到多少文?
A. 少于50篇
B. 少于200篇
C. 少于8000篇
D. 多于10000篇
A. 百度指数
B. 小白盘
C. listary
D. 坚果云
在sciencedirect全文数据库中搜索题目为“A model for predicting user intention to use wearable IoT devices at the workplace”的文献并下载全文,文中序号为3.5的标题为
A. Literature review
B. Perceived usefulness
C. The proposed conceptual model
D. Concerns for information privacy
题目为“Mapping technological trajectories and exploring knowledge sources: A case study of 3D printing technologies”的PDF全文有多少页?在sciencedirect中找一下。
A. 10
B. 11
C. 12
D. 13