Which is more important for the burning of a fire?
A. Pure oxygen.
B. Air.
D. Wood.
A. 描写三个不同地方的土地颜色,是写实的手法。
B. 这是虚实结合的写法,表面上是写土地的颜色,实际是为了下文写实埋下伏笔。
C. “浑黄”点出作为中华民族摇篮的土地的特色,“黝黑”象征中国苦难的历史和奋争,“深红”象征新中国的业绩与生机勃勃的未来。
D. “浑黄”象征中华民族的肤色,“黝黑”象征旧中国的黑暗,“深红”象征新中国的光明。
The writer said that most men in the train would help a woman struggling with something heavy. The implication is that______.
A. it is polite for a man to help a woman in that situation
B. it is considered a man's duty to offer help to a woman in need
C. the woman is too weak to carry a heavy suitcase
D. men are often more interested in other things than in reading newspapers, especially when women are in trouble
A. spoke
B. looked
C. pointed
D. set
The southern part of the Pacific coast in California has a______climate.
A. subtropical
B. continental desert
C. maritime
D. Medit rranean