A. 我国当前仍处于计划经济向市场经济的转型期,由福利制的房屋管理模式转变为市场化的物业管理模式,需要政府发挥应有的作用
B. 物业管理是我国城市管理的重要组成部分,物业管理的水平直接关系到城市管理的水平,而城市管理是政府的主要职能,从城市管理职能角度考虑,政府必须对物业管理进行适度干预
C. 普通商品房、经济适用房和廉租房的物业管理是广大百姓的民生问题,直接关系到民众的基本生活保障和社会的和谐稳定,需要政府从全局的高度进行必要的监管
D. 改革开放后,我国的房地产业发展和提升速度迅猛
E. 物业管理作为房地产消费阶段的管理环节,对房地产保值、增值有着重大影响
According to the passage, people in China ______ .
A. are more spiritually aware than people in Western countries
B. are less spiritually aware than people in Western countries
C. would like to be more spiritual
D. are becoming less spiritual
According to the passage, what influences society's attitudes?
A. Money.
B. International businesses.
C. The English language.
D. Technological advances.
According to the passage, what is a "free-for-all verb"?
An irregular verb like "grow" or "speak".
B. A verb that is converted from a noun at will.
C. A verb that is formed by taking off an affix from a noun.
D. A verb that does not comply with grammatical rules.
The word "humbug" in the last sentence of Para. 2 can be replaced by ______ .
A. tempt or temptation
B. deception or trickery
C. nonsense or rubbish
D. mannerism or pretense