结合材料.回答问题: 材料1 据新华社电截至今年2013年6月底,我国网民数量达到5.91亿,较去年底增加2656万人。手机网民规模达4.64亿,网民中使用手机上网的人群占比提升至78.5%。 中国互联网络信息中心17日发布《第32次中国互联网络废展状况调查统计报告》显示,截至6月底,我国Ipv4地址数量为3.31亿,拥有IPv6地址数量咬去年同期大幅增长16.5%,位列全球第二,网络基础设施建设进一步提升。互联网普及率为44.1%,较去年底提升2个百分点。 材料2 个人信息泄露,一个明显的危害就是垃圾短信和垃圾邮件泛滥,严重干扰个人生活,也侵害个人隐私。更有一些不法分子通过发送短信,实施诈骗活动,侵害公民的合法权益。面对这些犯罪活动,不少人对其危害性认识不足,缺乏防范意识。公民一旦发现个人信息遭受侵害,又因实施侵害的行为人身份信息没有登记,或者登记的信息虚假,导致取证、查处困难。更严重的是,调查发现,部分企事业单位、服务机构中的个别工作人员,已经成为出售公民个人信息的源头。 面对公民信息安全存在的诸多难题,我们必须加强依法治理的力量,对于不法分子,依法严肃查处,绝不姑息。与此同时,发挥法律的力量保护公民个人信息,还必须加强执法的密度。涉及公民个人信息管理和服务的工信、工商、航空、锐务等部门,需要进一步加强合作,通过完善沟通合作的体制机制协同监管、协同作战,真正形成层层把关、齐抓共管的合力。 (1)结合上述材料,简述网络技术的社会作用。 (2)作为当代大学生,在网络生活中应该如何加强公德自律? (3)如何规范网络秩序,营造健康的网络环境?
听力原文:RECEPTIONIST: Is there anything else I can help you with?
GUEST: Actually, there is. The conference is in a building called Chancery Chambers but I don't have any idea how to get there.
RECEPTIONIST: Oh, that's the funny-shaped building on the corner of King and Richard streets. It's quite straightforward really and only a few minutes' walk. Look, I'll show you on this map.
GUEST: Good. A map—I like to follow a map if possible.
RECEPTIONIST: Right, well, step out the front entrance of the hotel and you're on Hob Street. Head south on Hob Street toward Gorse Lane and take the second on the left onto Vickers Street West. Go all the way down the hill past the Mexican earé on your left, the Rebel Hostel on your right and the big church on the corner of Allen Street.
GUEST: Oh, I think I know the one. It has a huge steeple.
RECEPTIONIST: Yes, you're right. When you get to the bottom of the hill, you'll have to cross over the main street.
GUEST: What's the name of the main street?
GUEST: Mill Street, ah yes, there it is.
RECEPTIONIST: Cross the main street and continue onto Vickers Street East. There's a big bank next to a bookshop on the corner. Go up the hill towards the entrance to the park...
GUEST: I've heard it's very beautiful.
RECEPTIONIST: Oh, yes, well worth a look when you've got some free time. Anyway, don't go in the park—turn left into Kitchen Street—you'll walk past Bowen's Bistro. Actually, probably the best place to get a good lunch at a reasonable price. After Bowen's take the second left into Baker's Lane—it's a very short street--then take the first on your left onto King Street and you should see the art-deco Chancery Chambers building a bit further along on the corner of Richard Street.
GUEST: Oh, thank you for that. I'm most grateful.
Complete the map below.
Write NO MORE THAN ONE WORD for each answer.