In terms of political risk, which of the following poses the greatest threat to international marketers()
A. Newer environmental regulations approved by global trade bodies
B. Change of economic policies
C. Exchange rate fluctuations affecting margins
D. The possibility of the government actually failing
In Thailand, it is required that any milk products sold in the country must contain at least 50 percent milk from Thai dairy farmers. Which of the following economic risks faced by international produ
A. Exchange controls
B. Local-content laws
C. Import restrictions
D. Tax controls
A. if (x>0) printf(“%f”,x) else printf(“%f”,-x)
B. if(x>0){x=x+y;printf(“%f”,x);} else printf(“%f”,-x)
C. if(x>0){x=x+y;printf(“%f”,x);};else printf(“%f”,-x)
D. if(x>0){x=x+y;printf(“%f”,x)} else printf(“%f”,-x)
A. sum=0n=1while n<100 do sum=sum+n n=n+1end doprint sum
B. sum=0n=1while n≤100 do sum=sum+n n=n+1end doprint sum
C. sum=0n=1while n≤100 do sum=sum+1 n=n+1end doprint sum
D. sum=0n=1while n<100 do sum=sum+1 n=n+1end doprint sum
Adobe Animate是由哪款软件升级而来的()
A. Photoshop
B. Premiere
C. Flash
D. After Effects