
The proposed ethical guidelines surrounding best practices for neuromarketing declare that:

A. 1. Do not bring any kind of prejudice in research methodology, results and participants.2. Do not take advantage of participants lack of awareness in the field.
B. 3. Communicate what participants should expect during research (methodologies).4. Be honest with results.
C. 5. Participant data should remain confidential.6. Reveal data collection techniques to participants.
D. 7. Do not coerce participants to join a research and allow them to leave when they want.



A. The patients are unable to respond, therefore the assessment of their needs can only be approached by adopting a third person perspective.
B. DODs present a variety of ethical concerns. Most obvious is the lack of consent in any treatment decisions. Social issues arise from the enormous costs that are caused by people with DOD.
C. Defining death is an issue that comes with patients with severe traumatic brain injuries. The decision to withdraw life-sustaining care from these patients can be based on uncertain assessments about the individual's conscious awareness.
D. Case reports have shown that these patients in a persistent vegetative state can recover unexpectedly. This raises the ethical question about the premature termination of care by physicians.


A. physicalinterventions(e.g.electrostimulation & noninvasive transcranial stimulation methods)
B. pharmacologicalorpharmaceuticalinterventions(usingdrugsactingonthecentralnervoussystem)
C. surgicalinterventions
D. behavioralinterventions

Deep brain stimulation (DBS) is used to treat:

A. Parkinson's disease with severely impaired motor & cognitive function
B. obsessive compulsive disorder
C. treatment-resistant depression
D. Tourette's syndrome

Which of the following ethical arguments about pharmacological brain enhancement & cosmetic neuropharmacology are reasonable?

A. Cosmetic neuropharmacology, the use of drugs to improve cognition in normal healthy individuals, is highly controversial. Some case reports with the antidepressant Prozac indicated that patients seemed "better than well", & authors hypothesized that this effect might be observed in individuals not afflicted with psychiatric disorders. Following these case reports much controversy arose over the veracity & ethics of the cosmetic use of these antidepressants.
B. Opponents of cosmetic pharmacology believe that such drug usage is unethical & that the concept of cosmetic pharmacology is a manifestation of naive consumerism. Proponents, such as philosopher Arthur Caplan, state that it is an individual's (rather than government's, or physician's) right to determine whether to use a drug for cosmetic purposes.
C. Anjan Chatterjee, a neurologist at the University of Pennsylvania, has argued that Western medicine stands on the brink of a neuro-enhancement revolution in which people will be able to improve their memory & attention through pharmacological means.
D. Jacob Appel, a Brown University bioethicist, has raised concerns about the possibility of employers mandating such enhancement for their workers. The ethical concerns regarding pharmacological enhancement are not limited to Europe & North America, indeed, there is increasing attention given to cultural and regulatory contexts for this phenomenon, around the globe.
