

A. 对公民(包括个体工商户)处以50元以下罚款
B. 对法人或者其他组织处以1000元以下罚款
C. 对相对人处以警告的行政处罚
D. 违法情节轻微,但执法人员与行政处罚相对人对违法的事实存在争议



A. 对公民作出50元以上罚款的案件
B. 对法人或其他组织作出1000元以上罚款的案件
C. 对公民作出2000元以上罚款的案件
D. 对法人或其他组织作出10000元以上罚款的案件


A. 违法事实是否清楚
B. 证据是否充分、确凿
C. 适用税收法律、法规、规章及规范性文件是否得当,定性是否正确
D. 是否符合法定程序


A. 对
B. 错

There was a time when Whitney didn't have a lot of friends. All through high school, she just slipped in and out of “light” friendships where she didn't find a lot of comfort or1When it was time for her to go to college, Whitney was nervous and 2 at the idea that she might have to go without friends. So, she was 3 to make a change .The first week of classes, something happened that 4. Whitney's life forever. In her English class, when asked to share their goals for the class, most of the students said their goal was to get a good grade or pass the class. Whitney 5. something entirely different : Her goal was to make just one good friend.To her 6.,while most of the students sat in silence, one student came to Whitney and held out his hand and introduced himself. He asked if she would be his friend. The whole room was silent –all eyes 7.on Whitney and the hand held out just in front of her . She smiled and 8.her hand out to take his and a friendships was formed . It was a friendship that lasted through college. It was a friendship form which a romance was 9. It was a friendship that brought two people together in marriage and 10.them through many good and bad times.
