If tourists complain they are unable to obtain a refund of the service charge for those items he has not yet enjoyed.
A. 对
B. 错
Translation哲学深深植根于文化。生肖、阴阳以及五行说(theory of the five elements)相结合,对人们的决定和信仰产生了很重要的影响。如果你问中国人是否相信生肖,很多人一开始会说:“哦,不。我们是现代人。”可是,当你问他们准备何时要小孩,他们可能会说:“要个龙宝宝不错。”这些单个的以家庭为单位的决定可能是小范围的,但这些决定对消费需求的影响却是实实在在的,甚至会影响整个经济。
1. Food ___________ Annie Gray says food symbolism has a lot to do with religion.
A. sociologist
B. gastronome
C. historian
D. scientist
2. Duck can be made into numerous dishes including roast duck, crispy duck, duck bone soup, fried duck pieces, which are all ________ delicious.
A. totally
B. definitely
C. hardly
D. utterly