
M: I come from the Raze, an Indian reservation. I grew up there, lived there until 18. I lived on and off the reservation for the next 6 or 7 years during college. I lived there after I graduated, worked at a high school exchange program. I thought I' d do that kind of job to support my writing. Day jobs that require no emotional investment beyond 8 hours at day where I wouldn’t need to bring work home. I didn’t want to be part of management or anybody important at the job. I wanted to be completely replaceable, that is what I thought I would be doing for most of my life and writing. Then I got a ground and my first book got a front-page review in the New York Times' Book Review.
W: When did writing enter your life?
M: Books have always been in my life. My dad loved books and most of what he read were westerns -- spy novels, mysteries. I grew up loving books, copying my father’s love for books. But nobody has showed me a book written by an Indian, not even one piece of poem. Nothing. At that time I was going to be a physician. I loved math and science. I got to college, couldn’t handle physiology, and was looking around for options and took a poetry writing class for fun.
W: Poetry was your way in?
M: Yes, that’s where I started. I took the class, and honestly, I just thought it would be an easy grade. But I completely underestimated poetry and what it would do to me and the realm of possibility for it. I took the class and was hooked a bout ten minutes after reading my first contemporary poem.
Why did Sherman Aleksy only take day jobs?

A. He could bring unfinished work home.
B. He might have time to pursue his interests.
C. He might do some evening teaching.
D. He could invest more emotion in his family



A. 9
B. -15
C. 15
D. -9


A. DSDF HU/901
B. IVAGD2875989
C. DHF32872374
D. KJDIF-273


A. 进入高层建筑后应注意通道、警铃、灭火器位置,一旦发生火灾,要立即按警铃或打电话。延缓报警是很危险的
B. 看见楼低层起火后就应迅速向楼下跑,不然有可能被大火围在楼内,而无法逃脱
C. 不能因清理行李和贵重物品而延误时间,起火后,如果发现通道被阻,则应关好房门,打开窗户,设法逃生
D. 不能盲目从窗口往下跳。当被大火困在房内无法脱身时,要用湿毛巾捂住鼻子,阻挡烟气侵袭,耐心等待救援,并想方设法报警呼救

What is included in a subscription?

A. Free home delivery
B. Discounts on products
C. Reduced prices on books
D. Coupons for local stores
