

A. 134.69kPa
B. 143.76kPa
C. 157.83kPa
D. 166.41kPa


当该柱采用网状配筋配置,钢筋为Φb4冷拔低碳钢丝,fy=430N/mm2,钢筋网竖向间距s=260mm(四皮砖),网格尺寸为60mm×60mm,已求得体积配筋率ρ=0.162,fn= 2.522N/mm2,该网状配筋柱承载力与()项数值最为接近。

A. 592.7kN
B. 513.5kN
C. 441.4kN
D. 491.1kN


A. 846
B. 992
C. 1100
D. 1283

外周边框架底层某中柱,截面b×h=700mm×700mm,混凝土强度等级为C50 (fc=23.1N/mm2),内置Q345型钢(fa=295N/mm2),考虑地震作用组合的柱轴向压力设计值N=18000kN,剪跨比λ=2.5。试问,采用的型钢截面面积的最小值(mm2)应最接近于下列()项数值。

A. 14700
B. 19600
C. 45000
D. 53000

What does the last sentence in the 3rd paragraph mean according to the passage?

A. The patient is seriously iii because of lack of water in the well.
B. The patient can be saved if he has enough money to solve the financial problem.
C. It's too late for small business owners to realize the gravity of the problem because they have used up their money.
D. It's urgent for small business owners to pour all their money into the enterprise to revitalize their business.
