
当发生面向软件的问题时,应该使用哪种结构化的故障排除方法? Which structured troubleshooting method should be used when a software orientated problem occurs?

A. 自下而上 Bottom-Up
B. 自上而下 Top-Down
C. 分而治之 Divide-and-Conquer
D. 遵循路径 Follow-the-Path
E. 替代 Substitution
F. 比较 Comparison
G. 教育猜想 Educated Guess


当怀疑是布线问题时,应该使用哪种结构化的故障排除方法? Which structured troubleshooting method should be used when a cabling problem is suspected?

A. 自下而上 Bottom-Up
B. 自上而下 Top-Down
C. 分而治之 Divide-and-Conquer
D. 遵循路径 Follow-the-Path
E. 替代 Substitution
F. 比较 Comparison
G. 教育猜想 Educated Guess

哪种结构性故障排除方法试图将问题定位在源头和目的地之间的设备或链接上? Which structured troubleshooting method attempts to locate the issue in a device or link between the source and destination?

A. 自下而上 Bottom-Up
B. 自上而下 Top-Down
C. 分而治之 Divide-and-Conquer
D. 遵循路径 Follow-the-Path
E. 替代 Substitution
F. 比较 Comparison
G. 教育猜想 Educated Guess

哪种结构性故障排除方法试图通过改变有问题的设备或配置中的元素,使其与正常的设备或配置一致来解决问题? Which structured troubleshooting method attempts to resolve the problem by changing elements in the problem device or configuration to be consistent with a working one?

A. 自下而上 Bottom-Up
B. 自上而下 Top-Down
C. 分割和征服 Divide-and-Conquer
D. 跟随路径 Follow-the-Path
E. 替换 Substitution
F. 比较 Comparison
G. 教育猜测 Educated Guess


A. 电缆Ⅰ
B. 电缆Ⅱ
C. 电缆Ⅲ
D. 电缆Ⅰ和Ⅱ
