


中国的第二大河是长江 ( )

A. 对
B. 错

四大菜系指黄河下游的鲁菜、长江上游的川菜、长江下游的徽菜、珠江流域的粤菜。( )

A. 对
B. 错

北方园林主要集中在北京、西安、洛阳等古都,风格粗犷,富丽堂皇。( )

A. 对
B. 错

These sentences are about the passage. Complete them with the target words and phrases in the box. Change the form when necessary. (选词填空,注意词变化,如单复数、时态、语态变化。)acceptablepreferfeaturedescribeadvantageappearancecomplexrestrictattitudeafford1. In the future, parents will be able to choose their baby's _________..2. Some people believe that_______ kinds of genetic engineering will not be possible for another 100years.3. Some people believe that there are many useful__________ of genetic engineering.4. Genetic engineering may allow parents to create a child with an ideal_________.5. Thanks to progress in genetic engineering, parents who do not think that a child with an averagelevel of intelligence is __________ may decide that they want a child who is intellectually gifted.6. Children whose parents could not________ to give them the physical and mental benefits ofgenetically engineered children may suffer in the future.7. Genetic engineering may make it possible for parents to create a child with the physical andintellectual traits that they_________ .8. The public________ on genetic engineering has changed over the past several decades.9 Some people believe that researchers should________ genetic engineering to cases in which thehealth of the mother or child are at risk.10. The article_________ what genetic engineering is.
