A. 碱基配对发生在嘧啶碱与嘌呤碱之间
B. 鸟嘌呤与胞嘧啶之间的联系是由两对氢键形成的
C. DNA的两条多核苷酸链方向相反,一条为3'→5',另一条为5'→3'
DNA双螺旋链中,氢键连接的碱基 对形成一种近似平面的结构
A. α-螺旋
B. 双螺旋结构
C. 超螺旋结构
D. β-折叠
Beethoven was a crucial figure in the transition between the Classical and Romantic eras in western art music and remained one of the most famous and influential composers.
Born in Bonn, 1770, Beethoven showed his talent for music at an early age and was taught by his father.