
They (recruited) several new members to the club.

A. 消除
B. 吸引
C. 注视
D. 招募


The artist is making (sketches) for his next painting.

A. 引文
B. 皮革
C. 草图
D. 保障

Any knowledgeable wine (merchant) would be able to advise you.

A. 范围
B. 品质
C. 商人
D. 器皿

He could be a bit of a (nuisance) when he was drunk.

A. 喜爱的人
B. 讨厌的人
C. 代理人
D. 成年人

It was only a (partial) solution to the problem.

A. 可能的
B. 部分的
C. 敌对的
D. 相互的
