A. 头痛项强
B. 体重身痛
C. 肠鸣飧泄
D. 腰脊强痛
A. 面赤而皮肤发热
B. 怕冷而皮肤痛
C. 身痛而皮肤不仁
D. 身热而皮肤汗出
Fill in the blanks with the right form of the following words.matureluxurytutorinfluentialteacherillustratestartledescribe1. I’ll let you have an answer after_____ consideration.2. He paid for his rest of his education by helping deaf children andworking as a _____ in a private school.3. Sometimes a sudden shift in color can be used to _____ potentialpredators or threaten intruders.4.It is a _____ to me.5.Why were you_____ with them?6. I can cite quite a few instances to_____.
Fill in the blanks with the right form of the following words.excludedecreaseexclusiveincreaseaccomplishappealconsistentcomprise1. Lack of _____content.2. It’ll require indomitable will to _____ the task.3. There has been a _____ in traffic accidents.4. That has been our _____ stand.5. The employers and the trade union leaders are still poles apart, andare far from reaching an agreement or _____.6. The simplicity of this definition is _____.