《关于××厂进口SD6型自动车床的请示》,落款应该是( )
奥黛丽·赫本是国际知名影星。在幼年时期,她经受了战争残酷现实的折磨。但她并没有因此而放弃希望,而是克服种种挑战,最终成长为一名受世人喜爱的演员。尽管名利双收,奥黛丽始终保持慷慨、纯朴、富有同情心、向需要帮助的人伸出援助之手。 1988年,她被任命为联合国儿童基金会亲善大使,将所有激情投入到人道主义工作中。她的足迹遍布非洲、亚洲和拉丁美洲,为地球上最困难的村落带去希望,也唤起世界人民对战争和旱灾的关注。1993年,奥黛丽因患癌症离世,但她将永远活在人们的心中——一位真正的人间天使。Audrey Hepburn was an internationally famous movie star. In her childhood, she (1) the desperate reality of war. But she never gave up hope and instead (2) to grow into a most (3) actress in the world. Despite her fame and wealth, Audrey always remained generous, simple and (4), lending a helping hand to (5). In 1988, she was appointed (6) and devoted all her passion to (7) work. She travelled to Africa, Asia and Latin America to take hope to the most difficult villages on earth and (8) of wars and droughts. In 1993, Audrey died of cancer, but she will always live in people’s heart, (9).
A. 负载增大速度增加
B. 负载增大速度减小
C. 不受负载影响
用节流阀的旁油路节流调速回路的液压缸速度( )
A. 节流阀口面积增大,速度增加
B. 节流阀口面积增大,速度减小
C. 负载增大,速度增加
用调速阀的节流调速回路,液压缸速度 ( )
A. 负载增大速度增加
B. 负载增大速度减小
C. 基本不受负载影响