__init__()方法,当创建对象时Python解释器默认会调用此方法。( )
多态是指基类的不同方法在不同派生类对象中具有不同的表现和行为。( )
A. 对
B. 错
Complete each definition by matching the sentence parts.【请直接填写对应的小写字母】a.alive, such as an animal, bird, or insect.b.difficult because it tests one's abilities.c.it lives or is present in a particular place.d.that you put it in a dangerous situation.e.the upper layer of something, such as water.f.to everything in space, like stars and planets.g.to use up all of it so that you have no more.1. Something that ischallengingis ____________.2. Acreatureis something that is ____________.3. To say somethingexistsmeans ____________.4. If yourisksomething, it means ____________.5. Torun outof something means ____________.6. Thesurfaceof something is ____________.7. Theuniverseis the name given ____________.