若有以下程序结构,该程序运行时调用了___________次构造函数,调用了___________次析构函数。class Box{……};void main(){Box A,B,C;}
A. 对
B. 错
A. Some scientists are worried about that AI robots will turn humans into pets.
B. Some scientists worry that AI robots will turn humans into pets.
C. Some scientists worry that AI robots will be turned into pets.
D. Some scientists worry AI robots that will turn human into pets.
A. It will be danger if the cyber-terrorists gain access to the company’s files.
B. It will be dangerous unless the cyber-terrorists gain access to the company’s files.
C. It will be of great danger if the cyber-terrorists gain access to the company’s files.
D. It will be of great danger for fear that the cyber-terrorists gain access to the company’s files.
A. For the ongoing problem,complaining is not a workable solution.
B. For the upcoming problem,complaining is not a workable plan.
C. With the upcoming problem,complaining is not a possible solution.
D. For the upcoming problem,complaining is not a workable solution.