Your archive-log destination directory runs out of space. What is the impact of this on the database?()
A. None. The database will switch over to the stand-by archive-log destination directory.
B. A warning message will be written to the alert log of the database, but no adverse impacts to the database will be experienced.
C. The database will shut down, and will not restart until you correct the out-of-space situation.
D. The database will continue to try to write to the archive-log destination directory for one hour. After one hour, the database will shut down normally.
E. Once Oracle has cycled through all online redo logs, it will stop processing any DML or DDL until the out-of-space condition is corrected.
A. 托收行在代收行开立帐户
B. 代收行在托收行开立帐户
C. 托收行和代收行双方在对方开立账户
D. 托收行和代收行在同一家银行开户
A. 制度规范全覆盖
B. 审计监督
C. 重要岗位干部交流轮岗
D. 群众路线教育实践活动
A. 正确
B. 错误
A. 颊部鳞癌
B. 口腔结核
C. 腺周口疮
D. 坏死性涎腺化生
E. 创伤性溃疡