Given this fragment from a Java EE deployment descriptor: 341. 342.java.lang.Throwable 343./mainError.jsp 344. 345. 346.java.lang.ClassCastException 347./castError.jsp 348. If the web application associated with the fragment above throws a ClassCastException.Which statement is true?()
A. The deployment descriptor is invalid.
B. The container invokes mainError.jsp.
C. The container invokes castError.jsp.
D. Neither mainError.jsp nor castError.jsp is invoked.
A. 因抗胆碱酯酶药量不足引起
B. 因抗胆碱酯酶药量过量引起
C. 因抗胆碱酯酶药不敏感引起
D. 因抗胆碱酯酶药毒覃碱样作用引起
E. 因阿托品过量引起