A. 失血过多,心脏失代偿
B. 原有间质性肺炎未及时治疗
C. 原有哮喘史
D. 呕吐物误吸,胃液进入支气管
E. 气管插管消毒不严
A. 甲亢
B. 发热
C. 主动脉瓣狭窄
D. 主动脉瓣关闭不全
E. 高血压病
Project Quality Management must address the management of the project and the()ofthe project. While Project Quality Management applies to all projects,regardless of the nature of their product, product quality measures and techniques are specific to the particular type of product produced by the project.
A. performance
B. process
C. product
D. object