
The United States is a "telephone land". Almost everyone uses the telephone to (36) social engagements, visit with friends, conduct business and (37) all kinds of information. It is the chief method for sending and (38) information in the United States. Some visitors (39) to use the telephone much at first, either because it is (40) , because they think it is (41) (as it is in many countries), or because they fear they will be (42) the person they call from more important business. In fact, local telephone calls are only 10 cents at public phones and less expensive still in (43) phones, (44) . Within normal hours--after 9:00 A.M. and before 9:00 P.M.— (45) . You need never worry about calling a business offices for information, (46) . If the person you are calling is out of the office, leave a message with his or her secretary.



A. 阿司匹林
B. 对乙酰氨基酚
C. 吲哚关辛
D. 保泰松
E. 布洛芬

患者,女性,9岁,其母叙述曾因癫痫强直阵挛性发作治疗,服苯巴比妥10个月,因疗效不佳,2日前改服苯妥英钠,结果反而病情加重,入院。 发生此种情况最可能的原因是

A. 苯妥英钠剂量太小
B. 苯妥英钠对癫痫强直阵挛性发作无效
C. 苯妥英钠诱导了肝药酶,加速自身代谢
D. 苯妥英钠的血药浓度尚未达到有效血药浓度
E. 苯妥英钠剂量过大而中毒

某施工单位承揽了一项排水厂站的总承包工程,在施工过程中发生了如下事件。 事件一:施工单位与某材料供应商所签订的材料供应合同中未明确材料的供应时间。急需材料时,施工单位要求材料供应商马上将所需材料运抵施工现场,遭到材料供应商的拒绝。两天后才将材料运到施工现场。 事件二:某设备供应商由于进行设备调试,超过合同约定的期限交付施工单位订购的设备,恰好此时该设备的价格下降,施工单位按下降后的价格支付给设备供应商,设备供应商要以原价执行,双方产生争执。 事件三:施工单位与某施工机械租赁公司签订的租赁合同约定的期限已到,施工单位将租赁的机械交还租赁公司并交付租赁费,此时,双方签订的合同终止。 事件四:该施工单位与某分包单位所签订的合同中,明确规定要降低分包工程的质量,从而减少分包单位的合同价款,为施工单位创造更高的利润。 问题 你认为事件二中施工单位的做法是否正确,为什么

Questions 11 to 18 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

A. The man will meet the woman tomorrow.
B. The man and the woman have an appointment at 7 o’clock.
C. The woman can’t finish making the jam before 7 o’clock.
D. The woman won’t be able to see the man this evening.
