Employee Benefit Your organization is about to create a benefit to help employees who are caring for elderly parents. You have been asked to submit ideas on exactly how to help these employees. Discuss and decide together:· what benefit your organization could offer to employees who are caring for elderly parents· what these employees should not expect the organization would do for them
A good beginning of a negotiation doesn’t mean a good ending.
某地在农村深入贯彻落实“三个代表”重要思想过程中,当地领导干部本着找准“三农”问题切入点的原则和“搞不好村班子不走,搞不活农村经济不走,搞不掉落后村帽子不走”的目标,住村办公,入户走访,征求意见,提出整改措施,他们为群众跑贷款,帮助招商引资,提供信息、技术,筑路,修渠等,件件落到实处。对此,一村民深有感触地说:“以前乡干部到村里来不是要钱,就是找粮食、抬东西,我们一见就烦,如今干部的作风变了,我们的感情贴近了,关系融洽了,对党和政府更信任、更拥护了。” 该地领导干部是如何贯彻落实“三个代表”重要思想要求的