
You are using windows installer to deploy an application to 750 Windows 2000 Professional computers on your network. The network includes organizational unit (OU) named sales. A Group Policy object (GPO) is created for the Sales OU. You want to deploy that application in such a way that the shortcuts of that application should be created on the used desktop as well as in start-menu. When a user first click on the shortcut or try to open any file whose extension is associated with that application, then that application should automatically install on the computer. What should you do to accomplish this task?()

A. Using GPO, publish that application at user level
B. Using GPO, assign that application at the user level
C. Using GPO, publish that application at computer level
D. Using GPO, assign that application at the computer level.


某机电安装公司总承包了一个炼油厂装置的安装工程,该机电安装公司具有特种设备安装改造维修许可证1级许可资格。炼油厂装置安装工程内容包括:设备安装、管道安装、电气仪表等。其中有一台大型分馏塔,属于Ⅱ类压力容器,采用分三段运入施工现场,需要在现场进行组焊安装。机电安装公司项目部拟采用在基础上由下至上逐段吊装、组对焊接的施工方法,并为此编制了施工方案。根据施工方案,项目部进行了吊装机具的选择,决定租赁一台400t履带式起重机吊装。项目部根据大型吊装具有重大风险的情况,编制了针对吊装作业的安全生产事故应急预案。 施工开始后,发生了下列事件: 1.项目监理工程师认为机电安装公司不具备分馏塔的现场组焊安装资格,要求项目暂停施工。 2.400t履带式起重机进场组装完成之后立即着手进行分馏塔吊装,被监理工程师制止。租赁的400t履带式起重机进场组装后,是否可以立即投入吊装?应如何做?


A. 0.5%
B. 0.8%
C. 1%
D. 1.2%


A. 正确
B. 错误


A. 广域课程
B. 核心课程
C. 相关课程
D. 融合课程
