A. 急性单纯水肿性胰腺炎
B. 肠扭转
C. 胆囊结石
D. 肠结核
E. 输尿管结石
患者女性,70岁,因“突发右侧肢体麻木、乏力6小时,伴言语不清、流涎、头痛,呕吐1次”来诊。既往有高血压病史10年,平时坚持服用降压药。查体:嗜睡,右侧鼻唇沟浅,颈软,右侧肢体肌力3级,肌张力低,腱反射减弱,病理反射未引出。 最有可能的诊断是()
A. 脑出血
B. 蛛网膜下腔出血
C. 腔隙性脑梗死
D. 脑血栓形成
E. 脑梗死
Your network contains two offices named Office1 and Office2. The offices connect to each other by using a demand-dial connection.You add a new subnet in Office2.You need to ensure that a demand-dial connection starts when users attempt to connect to resources in the new Office2 subnet.What should you do from the Remote Routing and Access console?()
A. From the remote access server in Office2, right-click the demand-dial interface and click Connect.
B. From the remote access server in Office1, right-click the demand-dial interface and click Connect.
C. From the remote access server in Office1, right-click the demand-dial interface and click Update Routes.
D. From the remote access server in Office2, right-click the demand-dial interface and click Update Routes.