A vessel is constructed with a steel hull and an aluminum superstructure. Which statement is TRUE?()
A. The aluminum will provide greater resistance to the spread of fire by conduction
B. The aluminum structure is usually attached to a steel coaming by a method that insulates the two metals
C. If the superstructure is stressed,an aluminum structure requires additional expansion joints to prevent fracture
D. The steel at the area of the aluminum-to-steel connection must be closely checked for galvanic corrosio
A. 神经过敏症
B. PPNG菌株存在
C. 青霉素耐药的淋菌菌株存在
D. 非淋菌性阴道(宫颈)炎
E. 治疗期间仍有不洁性交
F. 用药剂量不足
G. 没有用联合抗生素疗法
H. 合并霉菌感染
I. 合并滴虫感染
J. HIV感染