


某一检测人员在测定混凝土泵送剂的坍落度保留值时,试验步骤如下: ①出盘的混凝土拌合物按GB/T50080进行坍落度试验后得坍落度值Ho;立即将能够做一组坍落度的部分物料装入铁桶或塑料桶内; ②存放30min后将桶内物料倒在拌料板上,不需翻拌,直接进行坍落度试验得出30min坍落度保留值H30; ③再将全部物料装入桶内,密封再存放60min,再测定一次坍落度,得出60min坍落度保留值H60。 问题:1)该检测人员做法是否正确? 2)如果不正确,请指出错误,并写出正确做法。



A. 广西
B. 江西
C. 山西
D. 陕西

You need to create a web share on your Windows 2000 Professional computer named Admin01. Youcreate a folder named reports. Then you configure web sharing on Reports. You name the shareWebReports and allow Read permissions on the share.You test the web share by pointing to http://admin01/WebReports from another computer. You receivethe following error message, ‘You are not authorized to view this page.’You need to be able to access the folder. What must you do? ()

Allow write permission on WebReports.
B. Allow directory browsing permissions on WebReports.
C. In the IIS console, enable anonymous access to WebReports.
D. In the IIS console, set the execute permissions option to script and executables on WebReports.
