

A. 经营活动现金流出为58.5万元
B. 投资活动现金流出为110万元
C. 投资活动现金流入为0
D. 经营活动现金流入为234万元



A. 可服用发汗药物减轻发热症状
B. 忌烟
C. 忌酒
D. 用金银花、枇杷叶泡水代茶
E. 多食藕、梨、荸荠、西瓜等清凉润肺食品


A. 五苓散
B. 猪苓汤
C. 理中汤
D. 真武汤
E. 保真汤


A. α-螺旋
B. 三叶草结构
C. 双螺旋结构
D. 倒L形
E. 反密码环

根据下列材料,回答题Mr.MIKE Smith: It wash’t all easy decision,but we’ve been asking for a decent wage for years.Now at last people are beginning to listen to tlS.We’re only asking for a 25 percent increase in our wages.250 dollars a week,that’s all.It’S a pity SO many.people have to be inconvenienced by OUr strike.But please don’t blame US.Blame the government for.refusing our claim. Mr.Tom Brown: It’S totally unreasonable to demand SO much money when we are trying desperately to control inflation.If wages go up,SO do prices.If we gave in to the electricity workers,all the other unions would want more,with the inevitable result that the crisis would become uncontrollable.What we’re trying to impress upon everybody is that inflation hurts everybody,especially the poor people.We offer the electricity workers a lo percent increase.And that’s already too much.My stand at this meeting will be to persuade the Union to see reason. Mr.Bob Davis: Everybody will be hurt by this strike,including the electricity workers themselves.The economy will be destroyed and many people will lose their jobs.Already people are saying that the big unions have too much power and shouldn’t be allowed to strike.Of course the electricity workers want to get more money.Don’t we all? Mrs.Baker: My opinion is“Get the Army in”.Allthepower stations should be managed by the army.The strikers should be thrown into prison.That’s what this country needs.Why must we all suffer just because a few men are greedy?If they don’t like their jobs,nobody’s forcing them to work.They should try and live on 50 dollars a week like I have t0.Perhaps they’d keep their mouths shut then. Miss Slater: Let’s face it.It’s neither here nor there.The electricity workers are in a strong position.Perhaps we can’t do anything about it.What I say is:let them have their 250 dollars SO we can return to work.I mean,the government wastes the taxpayers’money all the time on trivial things.How can anyone say 250 dollars is“too much”?Pop singers get more.Nurses get less.It’s just one of those things. 1 Now match each of the personsto the appropriate statement. Note:there are two extra statements statements Mr.Mike Smith

A 10%increase is already too much,and l’m here topersuade then tosee reason.
B. I hope that strikes should be banned in all sectors relatingto the nation’s security and stability.
C. We will never go back to work until our goals are achieved.
D. I think that the govemment should give in to the elec tricity worker’s demands.
E. I strongly suggest that all the power stations should be runby the army and that the strikers should be put into prison.
F. I must make you clear that strikes will destroy the economy and that many people will lose their jobs.
G. We are forced to call a strike because the government
