For (1) service, we need a virtual-circuit subnet. Let us see how that works. The idea behind virtual circuits is to avoid having to choose a new (2) for every packet sent. Instead,when a connection is established, a route from the(3) machine to the destination machine is chosen as part of the connection setup and stored in tables inside the (4) . That route is used for all traffic flowing over the connection, exactly the same way that the telephone system works.When the connection is released, the virtual circuit is also terminated. With connection-oriented service, each packet carries an (5) telling which virtual circuit it belongs to.空白(5)处应选择()
A. address
B. identifier
C. interface
D. element
For (1) service, we need a virtual-circuit subnet. Let us see how that works. The idea behind virtual circuits is to avoid having to choose a new (2) for every packet sent. Instead,when a connection is established, a route from the(3) machine to the destination machine is chosen as part of the connection setup and stored in tables inside the (4) . That route is used for all traffic flowing over the connection, exactly the same way that the telephone system works.When the connection is released, the virtual circuit is also terminated. With connection-oriented service, each packet carries an (5) telling which virtual circuit it belongs to.空白(4)处应选择()
A. connections
B. resources.
C. bridges
D. routers
1995年10月某某公司与郭某某签订了无固定工作岗位和工作期限的劳动合同。按该公司规定,劳动合同签订后,工人如上岗或换岗应签订上岗合同。随后,某公司与郭定福签订了在其下属生产福利司膳食科工作的上岗合同。1998年5月,郭定福在体检时查出患有乙型肝炎,8月又查出患有肺结核,不适于在膳食科继续工作,即进行病假治疗。 1998年9月15日,公司为加强其下属生产福利司殡仪馆的管理,经过公开招标,殡仪馆承包经营由退休工人叶某中标,公司与叶某签订了为期一年的承包经营合同。叶某在承包经营期间,并聘请了农民作为临时工。叶某经营有道,经济效益可观。1999年2月郭某向生产福利领导提出到殡仪馆工作,生福司负责人口头答应其请求,但未与泸天化公司办理变更岗位手续和另签上岗合同。郭某便于同年3月擅自到殡仪馆上班,遭到承包人叶某及其雇请的员工拒绝。为此郭某即向当地市劳动争议仲裁委员会申请仲裁。称某公司让临时工占有了正式职工的工作岗位,剥夺了职工的劳动权利,要求泸天化公司清退临时工,恢复其上岗的权利,而且指定要求公司安排其到殡仪馆上班。 某市劳动争议仲裁委员会于1999年8月2日作出裁决:郭某要求岗位恢复和调整是合法的,公司应及时清退农民工,安排郭某到殡仪馆上岗。 某公司接到仲裁裁决后,不服仲裁而向当地区人民法院提起诉讼,诉称:原告下属生福司负责人曾口头同意被告要求到殡仪馆工作的要求,但被告未与原告签订到殡仪馆工作的上岗合同,也未办理换岗手续,因此,被告擅自到殡仪馆工作是违反公司规定的。泸州市劳动仲裁委裁决由原告安排被告到殡仪馆上岗是不当的,要求法院撤销劳动仲裁裁决,维护原告的劳动用工权利。 被告郭某答辩称:原告下属生福司负责人已研究决定被告到殡仪馆上岗,而且泸天化公司发给被告作为殡仪工技能考试的准考证,现在原告却将岗位让与临时工、民工占有,使其无法上岗,剥夺了被告作为殡仪工的上岗权利。要求公司恢复其殡仪工岗位,并赔偿其因扣发工资造成的经济损失。 承包人叶某招聘临工、民工在殡仪馆工作是否是对郭某劳动权的剥夺?
A. 高锰酸钾溶液洗胃
B. 清水或生理盐水洗胃
C. 立即注射止吐药
D. 监测生命体征
E. 取侧卧位