
( ) What you have learned from the Greek sculpture is helpful for you to understand the Golden Age because ___________.

A. it is interesting for learners to view
B. it is an ancient art of sculpture that is helpful to today’s sculptors
C. you have known many Greek legends
D. the art is the reflection of Greek culture



A. 对
B. 错

患者经常讲述其躯体存在各种不舒适,甚至是难以忍受的异样感觉,如牵拉、挤压、游走、蚁爬等感觉,但又不能明确指出具体不适的部位。( ) 这是

A. 错觉
B. 妄想
C. 精神运动性兴奋
D. 幻触
E. 内感性不适

临床上常见的注意障碍有( )

A. 注意增强
B. 注意减弱
C. 注意涣散
D. 注意转移
E. 以上都是

A2型题 张女,38岁。每日在床头倚窗,静坐侧耳,有时面露微笑,有时双手捂耳,面露惊恐之状,或以被蒙头。此种症状是( )

A. 幻听
B. 躁狂症
C. 行为退缩
D. 幻视
E. 被害妄想
